Liberation, Celebration, & Defiance
This show will run through the month of June. For now, it is viewable by appointment only.
Curated by Orlonda Uffre
In the Spirit of Juneteenth and the Equal Rights Amendment, the artists in this exhibit, choose to invoke their aesthetic and insistent depictions of Black figuration, whose embedded meaning transcends the constraints of race and gender relations.
This is visual art as an aesthetic strategy, which infiltrates consciousness about the Black experience, identity, connections with ancestors, and demonstrating joy, pride, and culture, through the Black Gaze.
We commemorate Ida B. Wells-Barnett, for her work to advance the Equal Rights Amendment, and her posthumous Pulitzer Prize, for her outstanding courage in expanding opportunities for women of color in the suffrage movement, her unflinching journalism, and her work to raise awareness of the horrors of lynching.
We also commemorate Opal Lee, now 93 years old. Born on Oct. 7, 1926 in Marshall, Texas, the first state to make Juneteenth a state holiday. Now, more than 40 other states recognize Juneteenth. The day marks the 1865 announcement in Texas that slavery was abolished. That announcement came two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation. "It is as important as the Fourth of July”. Opal Lee.
Participating Artists
Zoe Boston | Donna Meke’da Bradley | Tiffany Conway | Andrea Harvey | Fan Lee Warren | Orlonda Uffre