Transitions: Steve Napoli: Strange Birds
Steve Napoli
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Strange Birds
Artist Statement
“Transition” manifests itself in many ways, as in the change of seasons, the aging process, and shifts in how we perceive these real-world changes. For instance, an image or concept that we may or may not be familiar with or a memory may transport us to a virtual realm that seems all too familiar, and yet strange, as if viewed ‘Through the Looking Glass’. Similarly, concept we haven’t encountered, or an image that may somehow feel familiar even though we grapple with its meaning, can alter how we understand the “real” world. These subtle shifts in how we perceive things needn’t be of a deep or intellectual nature, but can be just a playful exercise in reimagining the world around us. Not necessarily to furrow the brow, but to induce a smile.
I am 77 years old and have followed in my father’s footsteps with a strong interest in the Photographic medium. He would be astounded to see the changes in that art form since his days. I have worked through the progression of Dark Rooms and chemicals to the new age of digital images and software to improve and reimagine those images.
I am a long-standing member of the Berkeley Camera club and belong to many other smaller groups that review and critique each other’s work. I’ve also shown in many Galleries* and Coffee Shops over the years. I have also had an image accepted into the DeYoung’s Open Exhibit last year. My motto is “f/8 and be there”. Some of my work can be seen at stevenapoli.zenfolio.com
* San Pablo Art Gallery. The “Light Room” in Berkeley, The Orinda Library, and the DeYoung.