Thriving in Place: Rose Borden - Love Each Other
Abrams Claghorn Shop
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Artist Statement
As a curious constant observer of the world around me, I photograph what I see as I see it, unstaged and real. I’m somewhat of a cross between a documentarian and a street photographer (even though most of my images do not have people in them). I reveal in the random, yet interesting and oftentimes odd or ironic scenes I happen upon. Finding ironic, relevant, and especially inspirational text in any form intrigues me, wither its in the form of graffiti, stencil art, signage, stickers, clothing, etc. I always wonder about the author of the messages I find. Love Each Other, was a message I saw on one of my first walks outside of my apartment in Oakland after shelter-in-place was announced. It struck me as so sweet and comforting even though it was printed on a construction site that had a Danger sign and orange caution cones. This message was a reminder to be kind, which was especially needed at such a scary and uncertain time as the beginning of the global pandemic when people were being so unkind, hoarding food and basic supplies.
Artist Bio
Born and raised in Washington, DC, Rose Borden moved to Oakland, CA ten years ago after spending more than a decade in New York, NY. She is a photographer who shoots mostly digitally and prefers to use existing light to shoot mainly black and white abstract/ experimental images and interesting captures while traveling. She is obsessed with showing the world in a unique way, but with very little manipulation. As a current member of the Bay Area Photographers Collective (BAPC), Rose recently showed work in their 20th Anniversary Exhibition, as well as in Kyoto, Japan as part of the Kyotographie International Photography Festival’s KG+ satellite exhibition event. In early 20019, she has exhibited as part of two juried shows with members of Professional Women Photographers (PWP) in Manhattan. During September of 2018, four of Rose's images were included in the BAPC exhibition, Of Dreams and Reality, at the Berkeley Art Center, curated by Ann Jastrab. She has had images in other art spaces in the Bay Area (i.e., ARC Studios & Gallery, ProArts, CityArt, Pina Zingaro/Mullen Brothers, and Viscera). A graduate of The George Washington University in Washington, DC, she earned a B.A. in Psychology with a double minor in Fine Art/Art History and Sociology. Rose works as a digital photo retoucher for clients in San Francisco and nationally.