The Naming: Durga
Nicole Rose Gelormino
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Nicole Rose Gelormino
oil on canvas
36 x 48”
Kneeling erotically on a bloodied floor, Durga is a figure composed of undulating human flesh, a stylized tumult of slatecolored water as a spine, elephant skinned-ribs receding to reveal cobalt blue and violet, and breasts of roaring lionesses. A cumbersome egg-moon sinks behind the figure against a foreboding sky of charcoal and salmon. As a girl and young woman, my sexuality was reflected was measured against my submissiveness, delicacy and femininity. As an adult woman, I seek to shatter that pervasive notion of women’s sexuality for myself, and hopefully someday my daughter. Durga is the name of a hindu goddess who disproves the myth of male superiority by slaying a pompous god. She rides lions or tigers.