One Nest : Earthworks: Pairing 10: Elizabeth Addison: Mandala 080320, Pandemania Day 140 - Capillary Action II
Elizabeth Addison
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Mandala 080320, Pandemania Day 140 - Capillary Action II
Digital assemblage, Archival digital print on Moab Entrada Rag Bright, 16 x 16 inches, 2020
$350 unframed
"Pandemania Day 140, Capillary Action II - Mandala 080320." Monday. The Governor's daily briefing laid out the coronavirus disaster that was July in California… and elsewhere. We are the first state to exceed 1/2 million confirmed cases. Family gatherings, backyard dinners, and other social gatherings seem to play a role - transmission keeps branching outward. With blue skies, wild blooming things and unaffected wildlife, this feels dissonant. Today's mandala is inspired by my hydrangea's multi-toned leaves' capillary structure. Note: Each Pandemania Series Mandala is accompanied by a journal entry that serves as its statement.