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Habitats - Salma Arastu - Mycelial Flow-II, 2022

Habitats - Salma Arastu - Mycelial Flow-II, 2022

Salma Arastu

Regular price $1,800.00 Sale

36 x 24 x 2", Dyed silk material stretched on wooden bars. Mixed media includes-Rust, twigs, jute rope, gesso and acrylics.

As an internationally exhibited woman artist, Salma Arastu brings a unique global perspective. She was born into the Sindhi and Hindu traditions in Rajasthan, India, and later embraced Islam and moved to USA in 1986. As a woman, artist, and mother, she works to create harmony by expressing the universality of humanity through paintings, sculpture, and poetry.


Salma’s works are lyrical, spiritual, layered and flowing, revealing the stories of unity in diversity, hope and connection, celebration of earth and women. The common thread running through her work is that she seeks oneness connecting humanity, soil and soul. Each story begins with a line, which represents

 the spiritual energy that emanates from her soul. Arabic Calligraphy, miniatures, and the folk art are strong influence on Salma’s work. She brings together Eastern spirituality and Western techniques of painting learned over the years. Through the contrasting elements, she yearns and searches for unity and balance.


As a visual artist Salma has had over 50 solo shows nationally and internationally and has won several

prestigious awards including the East Bay Community’s Fund for Artists in 2012 and 2014 and 2020. The

City of Berkeley’s Individual Artist Grant Award in 2014, 2015, and 2016. She has three public art sculptures on display in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, San Diego, California, and Emeryville, California. Salma is the author of six published books of art and poetry including recent poems collection

book “Seeking Oneness: Connecting Humanity, Soil and Soul” published in the UK.



Sacred verses about ecological consciousness and the interconnectedness of all species keep holding my attention, and I feel as though I am experiencing a Divine invitation to delve deeper into these subjects.

I have been immersing myself in looking at remedies to save our planet and its ecosystems, and I have found my ‘muse’ in the underground network of mycelia that is regenerating, activating, and healing the damaged state of our environment, and invisible tiny benefactors Microbes who are an integral and essential part of the web of life.


Thematically, the interconnectedness between diverse human cultures and religions has been a cornerstone of my work, as is the desire to bring humanity together through art. This new work builds on my previous project, “Our Earth: Embracing All Communities.” But it charts new territory in the realm of these life-giving networks under our feet. I am getting closer to nature and discovering ancient, ongoing stories of connection and resilience through mycorrhizal pathways. As white filaments are able to graft or connect diverse elements, they inspire me to rethink our relationship and connection to the natural world.