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Remnants/ Relics/ Residue - Sara Osebold - Objects Float in the Afterworld

Remnants/ Relics/ Residue - Sara Osebold - Objects Float in the Afterworld

Abrams Claghorn Shop

Regular price $400.00 Sale

Sara Osebold

Objects Float in the Afterworld, 2023

Clay, watercolor, graphite and colored pencil on Lokta paper

11 x 8.5" (14 x 11” framed)

Price: $400


Sara Osebold is a visual artist who works in sculpture and drawing. She references themes based on the underground, the phenomena of natural and urban environments and the extraordinary found in the mundane. She received her BFA from University of Washington in printmaking and MFA from Pratt Institute (NY) in sculpture. She is a past member of Seattle’s Soil art collective. She completed a gallery residency with the Seattle Office of Arts and Culture and is part of its Ethnic Heritage artist roster. Her works reside in private collections in the US and Europe. She has exhibited nationally in New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Utah, Oregon, California and Washington and internationally in Japan and The Netherlands. She has shown work in various art venues in Seattle, including Gallery4Culture, ARTS at King Street Station, SEASON, Vestibule, Soil Gallery, The Alice, SNAG Gallery and On the Boards.


Objects Float in the Afterworld alludes to the transience of life and the unknown of what's to come for any of us following our time on earth. There are specific objects that bring us comfort and meaning in the physical world and I'm curious if objects and forms continue on, play a different role or are even necessary in an after-existence.